Grön Smoothie vecka 2


2 cups grapes
4 peaches
½ cup raspberries
5 bananas
2 pears
1 pineapple, fresh or frozen
2 mangos


1 bag fresh spinach (10-14 ounces)
1 bag fresh kale (10-14 ounces)


Coconut water

Here are the rawesome green smoothie recipes to get you started this week. Feel free to adjust based on your own personal preference. For example:  Can’t find peaches? Swap for mango. Cherries too expensive? Swap for more berries.


2 cups spinach, fresh
1 cup coconut water, unsweetened
2 cups grapes, freeze overnight
1 cup peaches
*Can substitute peaches with mango or nectarines.

RAZZY PEACH  |  Serves 2

2 cups spinach, fresh
2 cups water
½ cup raspberries
1 ½ cup peaches
1 banana

TROPI-KALE  |  Serves 2

1 cup kale, fresh
1 cup spinach, fresh
2 cups coconut water, unsweetened
1 banana
2 cups pineapple

PEACHY PEAR  |  Serves 2

2 cups spinach, fresh
2 cups water
2 ripe pears
1 cup peaches

MANGO PASSION  |  Serves 2

1 cup kale, fresh
1 cup spinach, fresh
2 cups water
2 cups mango
1 cup pineapple

Blending directions:

  1. Blend leafy greens and liquid base together first. For recipes that use a whole orange, we recommend you blend the orange in step 1.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and blend again.